Cell Phone Policy
The library understands that cell phones have become an indispensable part of many people’s lives. Therefore, the library has not banned the use of cell phones within its buildings.
However, the library requires that patrons adjust their cell phones to ‘silent’ mode while inside library buildings.
If a patron needs to make/receive a call while at the library, the conversation should take place at the Lower Level Circulation Area.
Circulation & Membership Policy
The Aurora Public Library District is supported by the taxes of people who live in or own property in the Library District. Membership and circulation policies are based on that principle and on the Indiana Administrative Code.
Library Cards
Anyone living in or owning property in the Aurora Public Library District (APLD) may sign up for a library card. Anyone living in a different library district which participates in the Indiana Reciprocal program is eligible for a free APLD membership after obtaining a library card from their home library. In addition, APLD offers reciprocal memberships to persons living within the Lawrenceburg Public Library District.
Those who do not qualify for free memberships can purchase a non-resident membership card for APLD. This is based on Indiana State Library Law and is established annually. Another choice for non-residents is to first get a library card at any Indiana library and then purchase a Public Library Access Card (PLAC) which entitles the user to a library card at any Indiana public library. PLAC cards must be purchased annually, and the fee for PLAC cards is set each year by the Indiana Historical and Library Board.
Aurora Public Library District Borrower Types
Adult and Juvenile Memberships: To get an Adult or Juvenile Membership, borrowers must meet the following requirements:
• Be 18 years or older (Adult Membership)
• Be 17 years or younger (Juvenile Membership)
• Show a valid photo ID, or if under 18, have a parent or legal guardian show their valid photo ID (Driver’s License, Military ID, Passport, etc.)
• Show, or if under 18, have a parent or legal guardian show proof of current address (Indiana Driver’s License, Lease or Mortgage Paperwork, Utility Bill, etc.)
• Live within the Library District
• Fill out the membership form, or if under 18, have a parent or legal guardian sign the membership form
Library staff are not responsible for monitoring the materials circulated by minors. That responsibility lies with the parent or legal guardian.
Minors who attend a school in the Library District but do not live in it are given special consideration and are eligible for Juvenile Memberships.
Computer Only Memberships: To get a Computer Only Membership, borrowers must meet the following requirements:
• Show a valid photo ID, or if under 18, have a parent or legal guardian show their valid photo ID (Driver’s License, Military ID, Passport, etc.)
• Fill out the membership form, or if under 18, have a parent or legal guardian sign the membership form
Computer Only Memberships cannot be used to check items out. They can only be used to access the public computers.
Lawrenceburg Reciprocal Borrower Memberships: To get a Lawrenceburg Reciprocal Borrower Membership, borrowers must meet the following requirements:
• Be 18 years or older (Reciprocal Borrower Lawrenceburg Adult Membership)
• Be 17 years or younger (Reciprocal Borrower Lawrenceburg Juvenile Membership)
• Show a valid photo ID, or if under 18, have a parent or legal guardian show their valid photo ID (Driver’s License, Military ID, Passport, etc.)
• Show, or if under 18, have a parent or legal guardian show proof of current address (Indiana Driver’s License, Lease or Mortgage Paperwork, Utility Bill, etc.)
• Live within the Lawrenceburg Public Library District
• Fill out the membership form, or if under 18, have a parent or legal guardian sign the membership form
Reciprocal Borrower Memberships: To get a Reciprocal Borrower Membership, borrowers must meet the following requirements:
• Be 18 years or older (Reciprocal Borrower Adult Membership)
• Be 17 years or younger (Reciprocal Borrower Juvenile Membership)
• Show a valid photo ID, or if under 18, have a parent or legal guardian show their valid photo ID (Driver’s License, Military ID, Passport, etc.)
• Show, or if under 18, have a parent or legal guardian show proof of current address (Indiana Driver’s License, Lease or Mortgage Paperwork, Utility Bill, etc.)
• Live within the district of an Indiana Reciprocal Library and have a library card in good standing from that library
• Fill out the membership form, or if under 18, have a parent or legal guardian sign the membership form
Paid Non-Resident Memberships: To get a Paid Non-Resident Membership, borrowers must meet the following requirements:
• Show a valid photo ID, or if under 18, have a parent or legal guardian show their valid photo ID (Driver’s License, Military ID, Passport, etc.)
• Show, or if under 18, have a parent or legal guardian show proof of current address (Indiana Driver’s License, Lease or Mortgage Paperwork, Utility Bill, etc.)
• Pay the yearly Non-Resident Fee
• Fill out the membership form, or if under 18, have a parent or legal guardian sign the membership form
To renew their library card every year, borrowers with Paid Non-Resident Memberships must pay the Non-Resident Fee again.
Public Library Access Card (PLAC) Memberships: To get a PLAC Membership, borrowers must meet following requirements:
• Be 18 years or older (PLAC Adult Membership)
• Be 17 years or younger (PLAC Juvenile Membership)
• Show a valid photo ID, or if under 18, have a parent or legal guardian show their valid photo ID (Driver’s License, Military ID, Passport, etc.)
• Have a library card in good standing from any public library in Indiana
• Pay the yearly PLAC fee
• Fill out the membership form, or if under 18, have a parent or legal guardian sign the membership form
To renew their library card every year, borrowers with PLAC Memberships must purchase a new PLAC card.
Family Educator Memberships: To get a Family Educator Membership, borrowers must the following requirements:
• Be 18 years or older
• Meet the requirements for an Adult, Reciprocal Borrower, Reciprocal Borrower Lawrenceburg, Paid Non-Resident, or PLAC Membership
• Homeschool their family
• Fill out the membership form
Family Educator Memberships get a four week check out period on all items and do not have a check out limit on the number of items.
Teacher Memberships: To get a Teacher Membership, borrowers must meet the following requirements:
• Show a valid photo ID (Driver’s License, Military ID, Passport, etc.)
• Work as an educator in a school within the Aurora Public Library District
• Fill out the Educator Membership Form
Teacher Memberships get a four week check out period on all items and do not have a check out limit on the number of items. Teacher Memberships have unlimited renewals.
Temporary Memberships: Temporary Memberships are for Juveniles who do not have a parent or guardian with them to sign their membership form. To get a Temporary Membership, borrowers must meet the following criteria:
•Be 17 years or younger
• Fill out the membership form
Ivy Tech Student Membership: To get an Ivy Tech Student Membership, borrowers must meet the following requirements:
• Show a valid photo ID (Driver’s License, Military ID, Passport, etc.)
• Show their current Ivy Tech Student ID
• Fill out the membership form
To renew their library card every year, the Ivy Tech student must show their current Ivy Tech Student ID.
Walking Books Memberships: To get a Walking Book Membership, borrowers must meet the following requirements:
• Meet the requirements for an Adult, Juvenile, Reciprocal Borrower, Reciprocal Borrower Lawrenceburg, Paid Non-Resident, or PLAC Membership
• Fill out the membership form
• Be enrolled in our Walking Books Program
Walking Book Memberships get a four week check out period.
Board Member Memberships: To get a Board Member Membership, borrowers must meet the following requirements:
• Be 18 years or older
• Show a valid photo ID (Driver’s License, Military ID, Passport, etc.)
• Show proof of current address (Indiana Driver’s License, Lease or Mortgage Paperwork, Utility Bill, etc.)
• Live within the Library District
• Fill out the membership form
• Be appointed to the Aurora Public Library District’s Board
Staff Memberships: To get a Staff Membership, borrowers must meet the following criteria:
• Fill out the membership form
• Be employed at the Aurora Public Library District
Volunteer Memberships: To get a Volunteer Membership, borrowers must meet the following requirements:
• Meet the requirements for an Adult, Juvenile, Reciprocal Borrower, Reciprocal Borrower Lawrenceburg, Paid Non-Resident, or PLAC Membership
• Fill out the membership form
• Be a volunteer at the Aurora Public Library District
Circulation and Use of Library Materials
The use of library materials within the library building is always free for everyone. All items circulate for two weeks. These items may be renewed up to two times for a total of six weeks. Renewals may be done in person, by phone, or online. These items may be placed on hold for 7 days. Patrons must show their library card or their digital barcode to check out materials or to use the public computers.
Patrons may check out 50 items at a time, regardless of item type. The only exception to this rule is Library of Things items which patrons may only check out three at a time.
Overdue Materials: Library materials are considered overdue when they are kept beyond the due date. Patrons are responsible for knowing when their materials are due back to the library. As a courtesy, the library will attempt to notify patrons when they have materials which are overdue. If the items are not returned, fees for lost or damaged items will be assessed at the replacement value of the items. When charges on a patron’s card total $20 or more, borrowing privileges will be suspended until money is applied to bring the total to $20 or less. Patrons can use public computers with fines greater than $20. The parent or guardian of a juvenile patron is responsible for the fees on the juvenile card.
Other Fines and Fees:
• Replacement Library Card: The first replacement is free. Additional replacement cards are $1.00
• Earbuds: One set of earbuds is provided free of charge for use on the public computers. Additional sets are $1.00
• Printing Fees: Black and white copies are $0.10 per page and $0.15 for double sided copies. Color copies are $0.50 per page and $0.75 for double sided copies.
• Non-Resident Card: Set annually
• PLAC Card: Set annually
• Inter-Library Loan Requests: There is no charge for materials borrowed within Indiana. Postage will be assessed for items borrowed from outside the state of Indiana.
Collection Development
Mission Statement
The mission of the Aurora Public Library District is to enhance the quality of life for the citizens in the community by providing easily accessible materials, services, and programs which promote life-long learning and which meet the educational, informational, recreational and personal needs of individuals of all ages in the community.
The phrase “Library materials” as it occurs in this policy includes, but is not limited to, books, periodicals, microforms, audio, video, downloadable eBooks, downloadable audiobooks, software and online sources.
Collection Development Goal
To provide and make accessible a balanced collection of retrospective and current material in various media that is responsive to a broad range of community interests and needs meeting a Basic Information Level.
Intellectual Freedom
Selections are made on the merit of the work as it relates to the Library’s goals and objectives as set in the mission statement and serves the expressed or anticipated needs and interest of the community. The Library recognizes that many materials are controversial and that any given item may offend some users. Selections will not be made on the basis of any assumed approval or disapproval. An attempt will be made to represent differing viewpoints, values, philosophies, cultures, and religions whenever possible, within the range of materials published. Material which is biased or which represents only one point of view may be selected to provide necessary alternative to other material. Material should not be removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval. Inclusion of questionable language, visual content, or attitudes in materials is not in itself reason to exclude it from the collection.
Library material will not be marked or identified to show approval or disapproval of the contents, and no item will be sequestered except for the express purpose of protecting it from damage or theft.
The Library Board of Trustees has adopted the American Library Association’s “Library Bill of Rights”, “The Freedom to Read”, and “The Freedom to View” statements. These statements are included in the Board Bylaws and here as appendices to this policy and interpreted to include all Library material regardless of format.
The responsibility for the use of the Library’s collection by children age eighteen and under, rest with their parents and legal guardians. The Board of Trustees of the Library believes that parents (or legal guardians) are the only ones with the right and responsibility to restrict the access of their own children to Library resources. The Library does not stand in loco parentis, under federal and state civil rights and anti-discrimination laws; it is illegal for a Library to prohibit access to minors.
In order to ensure effective communication between the Library and the community concerning the range of ideas and information in the Library collection, the Library maintains a materials evaluation procedure. The “Citizen’s Comment of Library Material” form is included in this document.
Objectives of Selection
The Library’s primary objectives are to acquire, organize and make available print and non-print materials of interest to Library constituents, including works of contemporary significance and works of enduring value. The Library also recognizes an immediate duty to offer materials for enlightenment and recreation, even though such materials may not have enduring interest or value. The collection is not archival. It is reviewed and revised on an on-going basis to meet contemporary needs.
Considering space and budget limitations, the Library selects materials to provide a balanced collection. The Library collection includes both works of current interest and those of lasting value. Materials are selected in accordance with standards appropriate to the subject matter and to the needs of the community.
The Library, however, does not feel obligated to have materials in order to answer every question. In some cases, the material needed is very obscure or specialized; the patron may then be best served by referral to another institution or individual, or through the interlibrary loan program.
Responsibility for Selection
Final responsibility for materials selection lies with the Library Director, operating within the framework of this selection policy as adopted by the Board of Trustees. It is at the discretion of the Director who in turn delegates selection responsibility and the authority to interpret and guide the application of policy in day-to-day selection decisions to Library staff. Unusual problems are referred to the Director for resolution.
Selection Tools
Tools used in selection include professional journals, trade journals, subject bibliographies, frequent reference requests, publishers’ promotional materials and representatives, and reviews from reputable sources. The Library will use approval plans and standing orders to purchase materials in selected genres and formats. Purchase suggestions from patrons are welcome and provide librarians with useful information about interests or needs that may not be adequately met by the collection. Patron suggestions will be governed by this Collection Development Policy in making additions to or deleting items from the collection.
Selection Criteria
All acquisitions, whether purchased or donated, will be selected in accordance with one or more of the following standards and criteria:
- Critical reviews and information in professionals selection aids
- Effectiveness of style, format, and content for intended audience
- Need for variety and balance of viewpoints and subjects within the collection
- Relationship to existing collection and other materials on the subject
- Reputation and significance of author, publisher, director, composer and/or artist
- Patron interest
- Cost and availability
- Contemporary significance or permanent value
- Format and ease of use
The Library recognizes that many materials are controversial and that any given item may offend some patrons. The choice of Library materials by users is an individual matter. A person may reject certain items for himself/herself or for his/her family, but he/she does not have the right to restrict access to these materials by others. Selection will not be made on the basis of any anticipated approval or disapproval, but on the merits of the work as it relates to the criteria listed. Materials are evaluated as a whole and not on the basis of a particular passage or passages.
The Library cannot limit its selection to materials suitable for children and adolescents, but must consider its adult audience; therefore, some materials may be deemed by parents as inappropriate for their children. Since parents’ feelings differ and children of the same age differ greatly in levels of maturity, the Library will not act as judge of what materials a child is mature enough to borrow. This responsibility must remain with the parent.
Textbooks are primarily the responsibility of the schools and are added to the collection only to supply information not available in other materials.
New formats will be considered for the collection when, by industry reports, national survey results, evidence from local requests, and a significant portion of the community has the necessary technology to make use of the format. Availability of items in the format, the cost per item, and the Library’s ability to acquire and handle the items will also be factors in determining when a new format will be collected. Similar consideration will influence the decision to delete a format from the Library’s collection.
The Library increasingly relies on Electronic Resources to supply information. Such resources can often be searched in ways that other formats cannot and can often be accessed remotely.
Sound Recordings – The Library’s music sound recordings are a small collection in compact disc format. Sound recordings of books are acquired in compact disc format. The music collection consists of acquiring recordings of musicals, folk music, jazz, and classical music, as well as natural sounds and sound effects.
DVD Video – Due to the different rating system in use for different video content, the following guidelines will be adhered to by the Aurora Public Library District when selecting Video DVDs.
Theatrical Movies
– G, PG, PG-13 Ratings: No restriction on acquiring
– R, Unrated (UR) Rating: APLD can acquire if one of these conditions are met:
– Won an Industry Award
– Won a Film Festival Award
– Nominated for an Industry Award
– If deemed by the Library Director that the film adds quality to the collection
– Over-the-Air: any program aired on broadcast channels can be acquired without restriction.
– Standard Cable/Satellite: Any program aired on standard cable channels can be acquired without restriction.
– Premium Cable/Satellite: Any program aired on premium channels can be acquired if one of the following conditions are met:
– Won an Industry Award
– Won a Film Festival Award
– Nominated for an Industry Award
– If deemed by the Library Director that the film adds quality to the collection
Foreign Videos
Foreign films and videos use different rating systems than the United States. Therefore, when reviewing foreign videos, Library Staff will attempt to place the video in the most appropriate corresponding U.S. category before making an acquisition decision.
Multiple Copies
While the Library does not have the budget to buy multiple copies of every title it owns, it does buy multiple copies of titles having high patron demand. When there are several reserves on a specific title, additional copies may be purchased. In subject areas where the interest is in the subject more than in a particular title, the Library prefers to buy a copy of several different titles instead of buying numerous copies of one title.
If at any time, the Library sponsors a large project, such as a special program, which requires the heavy duplication of materials, special funds may be appropriated or a sum may be set aside from the regular budget for this purpose.
Local History and Indiana Collection
This collection contains material on the history, description, and development of Aurora, Dillsboro, Moores Hill, Dearborn County, its residents, and to an extent, the state of Indiana. Many of these materials are available only within the Library with duplicate copies occasionally acquired to be made available for loan. Some background histories of the surrounding area are also included in the collection when available. The contents of the Local History collection remain exempt from rules of weeding.
Family History
The Library will acquire genealogical material related to Dearborn County. The Library attempts to include indexes to births, deaths, marriages, wills and land records, and when possible, indexes and compilations of the records for surrounding counties, both in print and online databases. Donations of family histories are accepted if any of the ancestors or descendants had or have ties with Dearborn County.
The Library purchases at least basic and current genealogical research guides and state historical society guides for states that had significant migrations to Indiana and that became destinations for groups leaving southern Indiana, and for the predominant countries of origin of the immigrants when available.
The Library purchases census microfilm for Dearborn County, as it becomes available. The Library accepts census indexes for areas surrounding Dearborn County.
Gift Materials
Materials donated to the Library are subject to the following guidelines: The Library retains the unconditional ownership of the gift. The Library makes the final decision on its use or other disposition of the gift. The Library reserves the right to decide the conditions of display, housing, and access to the materials.
Many donations consist of boxes or bags of materials, which are accepted on behalf of the Aurora Public Library District for book sale purposes. Staff who selects items desirable for the collection inspects these gifts. Donors may be given a receipt for such gifts, but the Library does not give appraisals of value. Gifts are not returned to the donor.
Authors, publishers, legislators and businesses frequently donate individual titles. These gifts are subject to the same selection criteria as materials purchased and are not returned if rejected for the collection.
Memorial materials may be purchased with donor funds. An appropriate bookplate will be included in each gift identifying the donor and purpose of the donation.
Patron Requests
The Library encourages and at all times welcomes patron suggestions, comments, and ideas about the collection and its development. Purchase suggestions from patrons are welcome and provide librarians with useful information about interests or needs that may not be adequately met by the collection. Patron suggestions will be evaluated in terms of this Collection Development Policy in making additions to or deleting items from the collection. While every item patrons request may not be purchased, substantial effort will be made to acquire requested items through Interlibrary Loan.
Comment Request
Members of the community concerned with specific materials in the collection should discuss the material with the staff member and/or the Library Director. If a satisfactory resolution is not reached, the patron may complete a “Citizen’s Comment of Library Material” form.
Upon receipt of the completed form, the Library Director will ask Library staff for background information as to the criteria used in ordering the material in question, its relevance to the collection, and reasons for having the material in the collection.
The Library Director will, at the earliest possible date, study the information provided by the Library staff and respond, in writing, to the person who initiated the request for reconsideration.
If the person or persons initiating the request is not satisfied with the Library Director’s decision, he or she may make a written appeal to the decision to the Library Board of Trustees. Any person wishing to make such a written appeal should notify the Library Director of his or her intent, so that the subject can be placed on the agenda of the next Library Board meeting.
Collection Maintenance
The Library strives to maintain a collection that meets the needs of the community. In doing so, a systematic weeding of the Library’s materials will improve the efficiency and vitality of the Library’s resources. Materials are withdrawn from the collection through weeding by staff or because of loss or physical damage. Materials that have been lost or damaged may be replaced using the same criteria as for selection. Weeding helps Library staff evaluate the collection by identifying areas or titles where additional materials are needed, older editions that need to be updated, and subjects, titles, or authors that are no longer of interest to the community. If Library staff is uncertain about a title to be withdrawn, standard bibliographic tools, and if necessary, subject experts, will be consulted to determine if the title has historical or literary value.
Computer and Internet
Appropriate Use: Users are responsible for safe and ethical use of computers at all times. The Aurora Public Library District (APLD) does not recommend sharing computer accounts and passwords. The APLD assumes no liability for loss or damage to data or risk of identity theft. APLD filters Internet access in compliance with CIPA laws.
Legal Use: The public and staff may only use computers for legal purposes. Accessing obscene, pornographic, abusive, sexually explicit or illegal materials is strictly forbidden. Harassment, libel, slander, violating copyright laws, modifying data is illegal. Users will not violate local, state, or federal statutes. Vandalizing or disabling equipment, software, or data will result in prosecution.
Staff Assistance: APLD staff makes every effort to assist users with computer access needs. Staff cannot provide in-depth training concerning all computer programs or personal computer skills. Because of library scheduling, trained staff may not always be available.
Guidelines for Access
1. Computer User is required to show their valid APLD Library Card, physically or electronically. Users are required to read and sign their Registration Form COMPUTER agreement. Parental signature is required for users under the age of 18.
2. Computer sessions are on a first come first serve basis. Users are allowed 30-minute sessions. Sessions beginning 30 minutes or less prior to closing will have access until approximately 10 minutes prior to closing.
3. Users may be asked to relinquish the computer after a 30-minute session.
4. Users under the age of 18 are limited to no more than 4 hours of computer time each day.
5. Only User assigned to a computer may be at the workstation. Please make arrangements at the desk for additional users at the workstation.
6. Computers are unavailable during periodic maintenance and upgrades.
7. Users are not permitted to add personal software, delete or modify the installed hardware or software.
8. Plug-ins or access software to Internet sites is based on availability and is not guaranteed.
9. Printing costs are $0.10 per page or $0.15 per double sided page for black & white copies and $0.50 per page or $0.75 per double sided page for color copies. The patron is responsible for any printing initiated from the assigned computer and must pay the accrued fees. Staff are available for assistance with printing procedures.
10. APLD is not responsible for lost, damaged, or unavailable information due to technical or other difficulties.
11. Cell phone use at or near the computers is prohibited. APLD is not responsible for loss of personal items.
12. Food and drink are prohibited at or near the computers.
13. Visitor Card: The Library offers a Visitor Card as a one-time pass for visitors to use a computer without a membership. Visitors may get a Computer Only Card for future visits with proper ID.
Children’s Internet Protection Act: Aurora Public Library District complies with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) through the above polices and safety issues through adherence to the following:
• Though the Aurora Public Library District attempts through policy to prevent access to inappropriate material, it is technically impossible to prevent access to all objectionable resources.
• Use of library computers will be monitored to the extent possible by library staff. However, it is the responsibility of parents and guardians to monitor and guide their children in the safe use of the Internet.
• Minors shall not disclose personal identification information through the Internet or other forms of direct electronic communication including e-mail. Unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal information regarding minors are strictly prohibited.
Aurora Public Library District policy applies to e-mail, the Internet, the Library WiFi, and other forms of electronic communication.
Confidentiality Policy
WHEREAS, the Aurora Public Library District, as a public agency, is required by law to make available all records of its affairs and the official acts of those who represent the Library in accordance with Indiana Code 5-14-3, a statute that mandates disclosure of all public records that are not specifically excepted.
SO THEREFORE, any person may inspect and copy the public records of the Aurora Public Library District during regular business hours. The Library may establish rules and procedures as may be necessary to protect the security of the public records in its custody, and may require that a staff member be present during any inspection of records by a member of the public.
WHEREAS, as provided for by law under Indiana Code 5-14-3-4(a) identifying the following public records are specifically excluded from disclosure to the public, and will not be open for inspection by members of the public at any time:
Pursuant to the provisions of Indiana Code 5-14-3-4(b)(16), the Aurora Public Library District Board of Trustees do hereby exercise the discretion and do declare that all Library or archival records which can be used to identify any library patron are hereby declared to be confidential and shall not be disclosed to the public or any person (except as public access to the records is mandated by state or federal law or by court order) or in claims against library patrons for collection of fines, materials, and other expenses, in any other litigation wherein said records are material, or when said records are ordered to be disclosed by a civil, criminal or administrative court having jurisdiction over the same. Under Indiana law, minors are accorded the same confidentiality rights as adults. Pursuant to the provisions of Indiana Code 5-14-3-4(b)(16), the Aurora Public Library District Board of Trustees do hereby exercise the discretion and do declare that library records which are deposited with, or acquired by, a library upon a condition that the records be disclosed only: to qualified researchers; after the passing of a period of years that is specified in the documents under which the deposit or acquisition is made; or after the death of persons specified at the time of the acquisition or deposit, are hereby declared to be excepted from the public record disclosures requirement at the discretion of the Library. Pursuant to the provisions of Indiana Code 5-14-3, the Aurora Public Library District Board of Trustees do hereby exercise the discretion and do declare that library records relating to personnel files of library employees and files of applicants for employment, except of name, compensation, job title, job descriptions, dates of employment, are hereby declared to be excepted from the public record disclosures requirement at the discretion of the Library. Pursuant to the provisions of Indiana Code 5-14-3, the Aurora Public Library District Board of Trustees do hereby exercise the discretion and do declare that library records relating to administrative or technical information that would jeopardize a record keeping or security system are hereby declared to be excepted from the public record disclosures requirement at the discretion of the Library. Pursuant to the provisions of Indiana Code 5-14-3, the Aurora Public Library District Board of Trustees do hereby exercise the discretion and do declare that library records relating to computer programs, computer codes, computer filing systems, and other software that are owned by the Library or entrusted to it, are hereby declared to be excepted from the public record disclosures requirement at the discretion of the Library. Pursuant to the provisions of Indiana Code 5-14-3, the Aurora Public Library District Board of Trustees do hereby exercise the discretion and do declare that library records relating to records specifically prepared for discussion or developed during discussion in an executive session under Indiana Code 5-14-1.5-6, are hereby declared to be excepted from the public record disclosures requirement at the discretion of the Library. Pursuant to the provisions of Indiana Code 5-14-3, the Aurora Public Library District Board of Trustees do hereby exercise the discretion and do declare that library records relating to the identity of a donor of a gift made to the Library if the donor requires nondisclosure of his identity as a condition of making a gift; or after the gift is made, the donor, or the donor’s family, requests nondisclosure, are hereby declared to be excepted from the public record disclosures requirement at the discretion of the Library.
WHEREAS, Library staff members are not authorized to disclose such records to any third party, except as set forth herein, staff shall be required to contact the Library Director when such request is made, at which time the Library Director will consult with the library’s legal counsel prior to responding to any such noted request.
AND WHEREAS, the Aurora Public Library Board of Trustees wishes to protect the privacy and confidential records of its patrons,
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that library records which can be used to identify any library patron, library records deposited with the library, personnel file information, administrative and computer information, donor identify are excluded from the public record as detailed above.
Nothing in this policy shall, however, be deemed to require the disclosure of any other written or tangible materials or records or archives other than as expressly required by law; and nothing prohibits the library from using any of the aforementioned records for its own purposes and needs; and nothing herein shall be deemed to modify the Board of Trustees’ prior policies regarding the free access to information and library materials to the public in accordance with the philosophy of the Library other than those records expressly excluded herein.
DVD & Blu-Ray Policy
Terms and Conditions
User agrees to comply with the “Rules of Usage of the DVD and Blu-ray Collection.” User agrees that they are responsible for all DVDs and Blu-rays checked out on their card. User agrees to pay in full any fees and/or applicable charges, and/or the full value of any item lost or damaged (hidden or visible), and/or any and all costs of collection.
User does hereby exonerate, indemnify and save harmless Aurora Public Library District from all claims or liabilities and all parties for damage or loss to any person(s) or property in any way arising out of the use of or during the use of said DVD(s) and Blu-rays and/or equipment. Failure to return items may result in criminal prosecution. The Aurora Public Library District reserves the right of prosecution for the return of library materials as enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Indiana in the Acts of 1980, Public Law No. 206. Penalty under this law is a Class C infraction.
Lending Policy
• Borrowers must have an Aurora Public Library District card in good standing (i.e. not expired, under $20 in fees) to check out DVDs and Blu-rays
• Items may be borrowed for 14 days
• Items can be renewed up to 2 times for an additional 14 days each time
• Items can be placed on hold for 7 days
• Borrowers are financially responsible for loss or damage to DVDs checked out on their library card.
• It is the parents’ responsibility, not the Library’s, to supervise their child’s use of all library materials. The Library staff cannot act in “loco parentis” when children select library materials. Therefore, the Board makes the following option available, upon presentation of a valid Borrower’s Card, the parent/guardian may request that the card be marked so that DVDs are restricted from circulation on their child’s card.
• The Aurora Public Library District is not responsible for damage to DVD players or other equipment.
• Borrowers assume responsibility for any infringement of copyright or public performance rights while a DVD or Blue-Ray is in their custody.
Return of DVD and Blu-Rays
• DVDs and Blu-rays may be returned to the book drop or at the circulation desks inside the library.
• DVDs and Blu-rays may be returned to either the Aurora or Dillsboro Library, regardless of which building they were checked out from
• DVDs and Blu-rays do not respond well to extreme heat or cold. They should not be left in a car during hot weather or placed in direct sunlight. If a disk is cold, it should be allowed to reach room temperature before being played.
Donation Policy
Donated materials will only be accepted during pre-announced time periods during the year at the discretion of the Director. Donated materials become the sole property of the library. Materials (books and media) not added to the Library’s collection may be sold on a book sale, used for programming and services support, distributed to charities, recycled, or discarded if necessary. Donations are subject to the Library’s Collection Policy.
Accepted donations include:
- Books in like-new condition (little to no signs of wear or damage)
- Commercially produced DVDs in original packaging
- Audiobooks on CD in original packaging
- Items pertinent to Dearborn County history Donations of more than 5 items must be submitted in a non-returnable closed box. Donations of more than 2 boxes must be submitted at the Dillsboro Branch. A letter of receipt for tax purposes is available upon request. The donor is responsible for determining the value of any donated items; library staff is prohibited from assigning value to any donated items.
The Library will not accept:
Encyclopedias, magazines, CDs, vinyl records, cassette tapes, textbooks, workbooks, mass market paperbacks, materials with highlighting or handwriting (except author-signed books), withdrawn materials from APLD or other libraries, items that are musty, stained, or torn. Monetary Donations, Memorials, and Bequests
Unrestricted monetary gifts will be used to purchase library materials or equipment, support programming or collection development, or in other ways that assist the Library in its services to the public.
Restricted monetary gifts and endowments will be used in a manner that is consistent with the restrictions and conditions placed on the donation.
When the Aurora Public Library District is included in a will or estate, funds will be used to support Library services and collections. Any restrictions on use of the funds will be honored.
Donor names are public information unless anonymity is requested.
‘In Memory’ & ‘In Honor’ Donation Policy
Aurora Public Library District’s ‘In Memory’ and ‘In Honor’ Program is an opportunity to recognize someone’s special occasion or to provide a lasting memorial. Commemorate birthdays, graduations, anniversaries, end-of-year teacher gifts, a retirement and special friendships are just a sampling of the reasons to make an ‘In Honor’ gift. Leave a lasting memorial in honor of a loved one. Through this program you can create something special for your honoree, the library, and the entire community. The
Aurora Public Library District is happy to accept monetary donations in any amount for the purchase of Library materials. Gifts of less than $20.00 might be added to the library gift fund. Library materials must meet the Collection Development Policy to be added to the collection. Normally books selected and purchased by the donor are not able to be accepted.
Large donations of $5,000.00 or more will considered by the Library Board for a special fund within the Aurora Public Library District Foundation or the Dearborn Community Foundation. When possible the Library Board will discuss with the donor areas of consideration for funding.
Library staff will select an item for inclusion in the general collection which reflects a special interest of the honoree. The donor may suggest a preferred subject area: history, genealogy, religion, arts, or fiction genres for consideration. The Library will honor this request if possible, making every attempt to purchase titles relating to the specific subject areas designated. The Library reserves the right to expend donated funds to purchase titles that are most relevant to its collection using the APLD’s selection criteria.
The Library staff will affix an honorary bookplate label inside the front cover or flyleaf designating for whom and by whom the gift is made. Donors will receive acknowledgment of the gift including a citation of the title(s) purchased. A letter or card will be sent to a person of your choosing providing information on your thoughtful donation.
Once materials are added to the collection, they become Library property and may be used in whatever manner the Library deems appropriate. The APLD does not guarantee that gifts added to the collection will be kept in perpetuity. The Library’s collections are weeded regularly based on APLD Collection Development Policy guidelines. All items in the Library’s collections are subject to these same guidelines for retention.
Adopted October 26, 2015
Investment Policy
The duly appointed members of the Aurora Public Library District Board of Trustees are the fiscal body of the Library and thus constitute “The Board of Finance of the Aurora Public Library District”. The members serve without compensation. (Indiana Code 5-13-7-5 and Indiana Code 36-1-2-6)
The Aurora Public Library District Board of Finance shall meet annually after the first Monday and on or before the last day of January to elect a president and secretary, review the written report of the Library’s investments during the previous calendar year and review the Library’s investment policy. All meetings of the Board of Finance are open to the public. (Indiana Code 5-13-7-6)
The duly elected treasurer of the Aurora Public Library District is the fiscal officer of the Library. The treasurer shall serve without compensation. (Indiana Code 20-14-2-5)
All funds received by the library shall be deposited in one or more designated depositories not later than the business day following the receipt of funds on business days of the depositories when possible. (Indiana Code 5-13-6-1)
The Library fiscal officer is authorized to invest Library funds in: (1) Securities or discount notes backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Treasury or fully guaranteed by the United States and issued by the United States Treasury, a federal agency, a federal instrumentality or a federal government sponsored enterprise; (2) Deposit accounts issued or offered by a designated depository; (3) Agreements, commonly known as repurchase agreements (including standing repurchase or resale agreements, commonly known as sweep accounts), with depositories designated by the state board of finance as depositories for state investments, involving the purchase and guaranteed resale of any interest-bearing obligations issued or fully guaranteed by the United States, any United States government agency or any instrumentality of the United States government; (4) Obligations issued, assumed or guaranteed by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Redevelopment or the African Development Bank. (Indiana Code 5-13-9)
Investments made by the Library’s fiscal officer must have a stated final maturity of not more than two (2) years after the date of purchase of entry into a repurchase agreement. (Indiana Code 5-13-9-5.6) 20
The fiscal officer may not purchase securities on margin or open a securities margin account for the investment of Library funds. (Indiana Code 5-13-9)
The fiscal officer of the Library shall maintain deposits that are invested or reinvested in at least two (2) of the Library’s designated depositories. (Indiana Code 5-13-9-4)
Library of Things Policy
The Aurora Public Library District offers a Library of Things, a collection of circulating non-traditional items. Items in the Library of Things collection include physical items such as cooking utensils, art supplies, and puzzles.
Lending Policy
• Borrowers must have an Aurora Public Library District library card in good standing (i.e. not expired, under $20 in fees) to check out items from the Library of Things
• Borrowers must sign a Library of Things Responsibility Acknowledgement and Waiver of Claims before checking out items from the Library of Things
• Items may be borrowed for 14 days
• Items can be renewed up to 2 times for an additional 14 days each time
• Limit of 3 items can be checked out per library card at a time
• Items can be placed on hold for 7 days
• Patrons cannot check out Library of Things items on another person’s library card
• Depending on the item, patrons may be required to show identification along with their library card to check out Library of Things items
Returning of Library of Things Items
• Items must be returned in person to the circulation desk at the building they checked the item out from. They may NOT be returned to the outside book drops or other buildings in the Library District.
• Items must be returned cleaned, complete, and packed as they were checked out.
• Returned items will be immediately checked in, however the Library reserves the right to follow up within three business days should there be any missing or damaged items.
Responsibility for Replacement Cost of Lost or Damaged Parts or Items
The borrower is solely responsible for the material and will be billed for reasonable repair or replacement costs for items that are lost, damaged, or unusable due to missing parts.
NOTE: This is a lending program only. Library staff are not available for instruction in using Library of Things materials.
Purchasing Policy
The Aurora Public Library District Board of Trustees is a governmental body that is authorized to enter into contracts under the Indiana Public Purchasing Law. The Aurora Public Library District Board of Trustees is the “Purchasing Agency.”
The “Purchasing Agents” of the Aurora Public Library District are the Library Director and the Business Manager of the Library. Those others who may be authorized by the Purchasing Agency to make routine purchases are commonly the Children’s Librarian, Staff member assigned to assist the Director with purchasing supplies and maintenance items.
The Purchasing Agent shall purchase in accordance with the budget specified by the Library Board of Trustees in the Budgeting process. The Purchasing Agent(s) may purchase supplies costing up to $5,000. Any supplies costing $5,001 or more may require the approval of the Aurora Public Library District Board of Trustees. This provision excludes all “library materials,” those items purchased for the use of the library clientele of the library. All purchases under $25,000 will be made on the open market. All items costing between $25,000 and $75,000 will be purchased only after inviting three quotes from persons known to deal in the lines or classes of supplies to be purchased unless another procedure is authorized by statute.
In accordance with state statute, all items costing over $75,000 will be purchased following competitive bidding procedures unless another procedure is authorized by statute. The Aurora Public Library District will follow all the proper steps for competitive bidding procedures or the inviting of quotes as required by statute or by the guidelines of the appropriate state agency.
The Board of Trustees, the Purchasing Agents or other designated Purchasing Agent(s) will purchase services on the basis of provisions of the contract, cost, experience of the offer or any other factor deemed appropriate to the services being purchased.
Social software can include any web application or site used by the Aurora Public Library District, “the Library,” that facilitates the sharing of opinions and information about library-related subjects and issues. Social software includes such formats as blogs, websites, social networking sites, instant messaging tools, and patron rating of Library materials, which may or may not be hosted by the Library. The Library uses such social software tools for educational, cultural, civic, and recreational purposes. Library social software tools provide a limited public forum to facilitate the sharing of ideas, opinions, and information about library-related subjects and issues. This type of social software is intended to create a welcoming and inviting online space where library users will find useful and entertaining information and can interact with Library staff and other library users. The Library recognizes and respects differences in opinion, and welcomes comments, posts and messages.
The role and utility of social media sites and tools will be evaluated periodically by library staff, and may be terminated at any time without notice to subscribers. Content and comments posted by users do not reflect the views of the Library. The Library reserves the right to monitor content before it is posted and to remove messages, images, and postings that it deems, in its sole discretion, to be unlawful or off topic. Posts containing, but not limited to, the following are against Library rules and, where possible, will be deleted before posting or removed by library staff:
- Obscene content or hate speech
- Personal attacks, insults, harassment, or specific and imminent threats
- Potentially libelous statements
- Plagiarized material
- Private, personal information such as comments, photographs and images published without consent
- Comments or hyperlinks to material unrelated to the content of the forum
- Commercial promotions or spam
- Organized political activity
- Copyright, trademark and fair use violations
- Duplicated posts from the same individuals
- Improper use of the Library’s name or logo.
The library reserves the right to post pictures from library sponsored or co-sponsored programs on social media. The library will not identify members of the public in social media posts through accompanying text or photograph-highlighting within the platform itself (typically called “tagging”) without verbal or written consent. If the subject is under 18 years old, consent must be given by the parent or legal guardian. The library is not responsible for members of the public being identified by third parties either in comments or by tagging.
Approved by Aurora Public Library District Board on September 28, 2020
Standards of Library Behavior
The Aurora Public Library District is supported by the taxes of the people of the Library District who expect our facilities to be clean, comfortable, and safe places to use its resources and services. The Library Board has the authority and is committed to providing a secure, supportive and safe environment. To protect the safety of Library patrons, volunteers, staff and materials, equipment, buildings and grounds the Library Board has established these Standards of Library Behavior, hereafter referred to as the “Standards”.
The Standards will be enforced in a fair and reasonable manner. Any patron not abiding by the Standards may be asked to leave the library premises. Any person who willfully and persistently violates these Standards may be barred from all Library premises for a determined period of time, after review and recommendation of the Library Director.
Patrons shall be engaged in normal activities associated with the use of a public library when in the building or on the premises of the library. Safety is foremost: therefore, patrons must wear shoes along with proper clothing for a public facility.
Situations that do not meet the Standards:
- Any situation in which the actions of a person present an imminent danger to the life or safety of self or others on library premises.
- Any situation in which a person is observed in an attempt to steal or to maliciously destroy library property or property of another person.
- Any situation in which a person’s behavior is inappropriate to the use of the library building for the purposes for which it is legally constituted.
- Any situation in which a person willfully and purposely disturbs Library patrons or staff or whose behavior is any way disruptive to the legitimate use of library facilities by others.
The following actions are examples of conduct that does not meet the Standards, but are not written to cover every possibility:
- Neglecting to provide proper supervision of children
- Being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs.
- Smoking or other use of any tobacco products on Library property.
- Consumption of food or drink in the computer and genealogy areas.
- Verbally or physically intimidating or threatening other patrons, volunteers, or staff.
- Interfering with the access, egress, or use of the Library facilities including, but not limited to equipment, pathways, etc. by placing self or objects in a manner to obstruct Library access or use.
- Using audible devices without headphones or with headphones set at a volume that disturbs others.
- Using cell phones, pagers, and other communication devices in a manner that disturbs others. Audible cell phone and pager ringers must be turned off.
- Loud talking at a level that disturbs other patrons.
- Harassment and use of abusive or obscene language or gestures.
- Offensive touching and obscene acts such as sex acts, and indecent exposure including exhibitionism, voyeurism, or molestation.
- Having offensive body odor or personal hygiene so as to unreasonably interfere with other patrons’ ability to use the Library and its facilities.
- Engaging in Gambling, Sleeping, Loitering, Solicitation, Sitting on tables, Running or Inappropriate Playing, etc.
- Recreational use of bicycles, roller blades, skates or similar items on premises.
- Bringing animals inside the Library with the exception of service animals or as allowed at a Library approved event.
Repeat violators and/or those who refuse to leave will be subject to arrest and prosecution under Section 35-43-2-2 of the Indiana Code entitled “Criminal Trespass”.
Posting: These policies and rules as stated above will be posted in a public area of all library buildings.
The following procedures will be followed for unsupervised minors in the library buildings or on library premises:
- Library staff will issue one warning if rules are being disregarded. If the behavior persists, staff will ask the minor to leave for the remainder of the day.
- If the minor is involved in three documented incidents within a six-month period, the child will be banned from all Aurora Public Library District properties for a period of 4 weeks. After library privileges have been restored, subsequent violations will result in a ban of 24 weeks.
- The Library Director has the ability to impose more severe penalties whenever library patrons or staff are threatened or if library property is damaged.
Aurora Public Library District Board of Trustees
October 28, 2019
Aurora Public Library District Social Media Policy